Our unique approach to recruitment combines both science and art to uncover the rare talent you are looking for. Our specialists across all disciplines operate as one interconnected team, drawing in expertise and access to talent from all areas of our business to effectively fulfil the needs of your organisation.
At their heart businesses are simply groups of people. People out to make something happen. To solve problems. To create value that didn’t previously exist. At Reo Group, above all else, we believe in people, and there is nothing more powerful than the right person, working on the right problem at the right time. So we’re out to connect people to the opportunities inside problems. To uncover talent. Curate teams. And elevate human potential.
Drag the timeline to follow our milestones
Marcelo Concha and Stella Petrou Concha launch Reo Group
Raghav Mehta joins Reo Group as a Founding Partner
Reo Group establishes the Parramatta office
Reo Group named as one of BRW's top 100 Fast Starters
Reo Group establishes its second office in Sydney CBD
RI Awards - Training and Development Initiative Finalist
Reo Group grows and develops graduate onboarding program
Launch of Elevate a Nation Giving Program
Executive Search Division launched
Stella Petrou Concha - Recruitment Leader of the Year Runner Up
Acquisition of TDR Group, launch of Commerce & Industry division
Launch of Technology and Corporate Services pillars
Reo Group Executive Board is established
Jonathan Attwood joins Reo Group to launch the FSI division
Stella Petrou Concha launches Stone Heart Light Heart
Partnership with UTS Transdisciplinary School
Winner RI Service Excellence and RI Client Experience
Winner Best in Client Experience: Vinny Awards
Nicolas Gonzalez - Recruitment Consultant of the Year Runner Up
Our new Western Sydney office is officially opened
Reo Group South Australia is launched by Tom Moore
Phil Martin launches Reo Group's new Technology division
Winner Service Excellence - Recruiter Insider Awards 2023
David Khadi joins the Reo Group Executive Search team
Reo Group Professional Services launches in Perth
Winner Client Experience - Recruiter Insider Aus & NZ Annual Awards
Winner Service Excellence - Recruiter Insider Aus & NZ Annual Awards
Our ELT, led by CEOs Stella Petrou Concha and Marcelo Concha, includes Executive Directors
representing each division of the business, Reo Group’s CFO and our Head of People & Culture.
Stella has dedicated over twenty years to helping people realise their potential. Through working with top executives from some of the world’s best-known brands coupled with a background in neurolinguistic programming and a life-long love affair with learning about the mind, Stella has gained invaluable insights into what it takes to bring forth your inner power, to find your purpose and to shake off your self-imposed limitations in order to find success.
Stone Heart Light Heart – The Intelligence of Self Mastery, was published in late 2021 as a way of sharing these learnings with an audience beyond Stella’s clients and followers, and the book is already taking the business world and beyond by storm.
With self mastery on the World Economic Forum’s top ten list of skills that will be in demand by 2025, Stone Heart Light Heart is fast becoming a bible on how to master your inner world in order to then master your outer world.